M.CLAP ADULT BAPTISM, Quebec, Canada. Date : 2019 Social Production M.CLAP Virtual Video Inc. NPO: Federal Charter Nonprofit organization. Objective to make accessible to everyone's budget to have access to high technology immersive virtual 3D 360 in photo and video for: *** Business, job seeker, family, art, dance, fashion, music, family, virtual tour, sales and tourism, collector, sport, public figure, therapy group support, example phobia, fear, motivation...*** *** Your voluntary contribution: 1 donation according to your financial capacity in exchange for service and delivery of immersive 3D 360 8K UHD photos and videos. Memorable moments to relive at will for you or your children or on web marketing platforms. 3D 360 virtual immersion tools example: The Virtual Reality Headset (Oculus Quest from Facebook) By experience the best virtual reality headset on the global market is the Oculus Quest from Facebook. Project filmed in 2D and 3D 360: Outfitter Masson/Anger,Quebec,Can...
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